Walk groups

Walk groups

Table des matières

In order to facilitate prayer and
organization, participants are grouped into small walking groups that follow
each other, called “chapters” (about 30 to 50
people) spaced about twenty meters apart. These chapters are themselves grouped
into  regions
based on geographical criteria.

When you register by internet or
classic paper newsletter, you will be asked to specify the chapter you
wish to be part of.
  To find
out, get closer to the chef of the region with which you want to walk and whose
contact details you will find in the Regions and chapters section.

Adult Regions and Chapters

For the purposes of organizing the Pilgrimage, the France is divided into 17 REGIONS represented below:

carte regionspele

Each region is composed of one or more Adults chapters and one or more Children’s chapters.

The Adolescents chapters, on the other hand, are not regionally linked because they bring together adolescents from all over the France or even from foreign countries.



The children have caught our attention and benefit each year from an adapted route (about 10 km less per day than for adults) and specific supervision.

They are subject to special care which includes:

  •  meals (except Saturday lunchtime: plan a picnic)
  • their accommodation in tents (in a bivouac set up for them)
  • the journeys they make by bus to shorten the journey.

They are taken care of by the animators-supervisors from the Saturday mass in Chartres after presentation by the parents to the head of chapter in which the child is registered (more details at the time of registration and in the FAQ).

7-pele-chartres-paris-14-maiVeillée des enfants sur le bivouac du samedi soir (mai 2016)

Good to know!  There are also chapters for teenagers.  They walk sometimes with children (Saturday day + Sunday afternoon), sometimes with adults (Sunday morning and Monday morning). Their meals and accommodation (in separate collective tents for girls / boys) are taken care of as for children and they benefit from supervision and meditations adapted to their age.

To contact the person in charge of the children’s chapters, you can use the contact form.


Teenagers have the opportunity to integrate chapters created especially for them !

  •  Non-mixed chapters, open from 13 years old and bringing together teenagers from all regions.
  • A slightly shorter course  than that of adults, but more extensive than that of children.
  • T he adolescent chapters sometimes walk with the Children’s chapters (Saturday + Sunday
    afternoon), sometimes with the Adults chapters (Sunday and Monday
  •  Age-appropriate meditations.
  • They benefit from the same logistics as the Children’s chapters (meals and snacks provided (except Saturday lunchtime), collective tents set up).

Teen boys: St. John Bosco and St. Francis Xavier Chapters (supervised by brothers of the Society of St. Pius X, priests and animators)

Teen girls: Chapters of Saint Joan of Arc and Saint Clotilde (supervised by the sisters of the Society of St. Pius X and animators).

Teen guides: Chapters formed by one or more guide companies.


The growing number of teenagers from year to year allows us to say that these chapters are a success!

To contact the head of the teen chapters, you can use the contact form.


For any questions, please contact

For any questions, please contact the foreign manager using the contact form.

>> When you arrive in Chartres, go to the foreigner’s welcome desk, rue du cloître Notre-Dame, along the Cathedral.

Useful website link : www.chartressonne.com

The least able-bodied

lundi 40 handi

It seemed important to us to offer our disabled brothers and sisters the  opportunity to receive the graces of the pilgrimage to Chartres, which is why the chapter of Saint Lydwine was created.

On a shorter route and allowing to be borrowed by wheelchairs, a medical team and volunteers constantly supervise your loved ones.


To find out if you or a loved one can be welcomed within this structure as a participant or supervisor, or to know the route and schedules, please contact the manager using the contact form.

The Pilgrimage differently

You can’t walk. Or for professional, family, health or distance reasons you can not be present, but this pilgrimage is close to your heart…

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